
Business and Bookkeeping Blog

Posted on 19 June 2018 in Xero, Tips, Superannuation, Small Business, Advice, Cash Flow, Banking, Employers, Express Bookkeeping, GST, PAYG

The world of Xero; navigating through it

The world of Xero; navigating through it

My journey with Xero started 4 years ago. I still remember my first ever Xero client, a builder who had set up this new online accounting software and needed help with his bookkeeping. Being new in business myself, I was a ‘“yes” person (as we all are when we first start out). I thought to myself “it’s fine Kath, you got this, how hard can it be?”.

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Posted on 09 July 2014 in Small Business, GST, Superannuation, PAYG

Saving for GST, PAYG and Super

Saving for GST, PAYG and Super

Who has a personal savings account for holidays and unexpected bills? Why should you treat your business any different! Many NT small business’s find themselves in a panic at the end of every month or quarter trying to scrap together enough cash to cover the GST and PAYG liabilities when they fall due. With some commitment and discipline to following this best practice you will be able to chill out and pay you ATO bills when they fall due.

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