
Business and Bookkeeping Blog

Posted on 06 September 2018 in Advice, Cash Flow, Employers, Small Business, Xero, Tips

KHB Advisory – Giving clients better business insights

KHB Advisory – Giving clients better business insights

For business owners reconnecting with their ‘why’ can propel them to the next level of business success. Earlier this year we launched KHB Advisory. Using business insights and some fancy analytical tools we can help our clients set goals and track progress. I have been able to help clients reconnect with their ‘why’, create clear milestones, and track performance in a more meaningful way.

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Posted on 02 August 2018 in Advice, Small Business, Top 5

4 amazing ways to stay organised

4 amazing ways to stay organised

OK, I’ll admit it, I have a compulsive need for organisation and structure. I blame it on being a bookkeeper, with my days dedicated to scrupulous organisation. You can’t have a debit without a credit, and seeing accounts with $0.01 unreconciled drive me up the wall. That said, I also have this somewhat strange passion for organisation, something I suspect I was born with.

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